Blog Articles

Read the latest scientific information regarding the gut microbiome, brought to you by the Insight™ healthcare team.

Meet Clinical Science Lead, Brad Leech

Hydrogen sulphide: why balance is key

Why we love the F-word: is fermentability the key to understanding fibre?

Which species should be present in a healthy gut microbiome

The truth about intermittent fasting and the gut microbiome

Bridging the gap between researchers and practitioners: A look at the research and technologies behind clinical microbiome testing

Gut reaction: How living environment affects the human microbiome

Medication & the gut microbiome: Much more than just antibiotics

How can gut microbiome testing change the way you practice?

The benefits of metagenomic gut microbiome analysis in your clinical practice

Methane production: A balancing act for gut health?

Hexa-acylated Lipopolysaccharide: How this key metabolite plays a role in inflammation

Trimethylamine: A link between the gut microbiome & metabolic disease

Beta-glucuronidase: Friend or foe?

Meet propionate: a short-chain-fatty-acid

Harnessing the gut microbiome: how can dietary interventions provide treatment and prevention for depression?

Serotonin: more than just a mood regulator

Taking a look at butyrate

IBS and the gut microbiome

Where from and where to in gut microbiome research

Stress and the gut microbiome

The gut microbiome and IBD: What can be discovered?

Leading the way in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

The benefits of incorporating gut microbiome analysis into your practice

Does the gut microbiome impact viral diseases like influenza

Why some Lactobacilli aren’t who they seem.

3 reasons to explore your gut microbiome with a health professional.

Biome-powered brain: a healthy gut could mean a healthy mind.


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